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Snake on a train: Python takes joyride on Sydney train (Video)

Apr 23, 2017 under Accidents/Incidents 105 , Australia 90 , Nepalese in Australia 91

When it comes to snakes, Australia can be a pretty scary place. The slimy, creepy creature can literally invade any space and kick the living daylights out of someone. And recently, one such species was spotted riding a train! Yes, not in any grassland or garden but the python hitchhiked on a South Coast Line train.

Commuters travelling from Kaima to Sydney on the 6.54 pm train were shocked to find a snake hanging from the edge of an overhead luggage rack in one of the carriages. Though train authorities were alerted about the reptile they could only provide help after more than an hour later, when the train pulled into Sydney’s Central Station.

“Arrangements were made for a snake handler to meet the train on arrival at Central Station,” a NSW TrainLink spokesperson told the Sydney Morning Herald. Finally, the train reached the Sydney station little after 9 pm and the snake was rescued.

Thankfully, the snake on the train was identified as a non-venomous kind and a popular pet breed. The python was not long but it managed to scare the other passengers in the coach.

Last year, another such incident happened when a man was arrested for travelling with a jungle-python and showing it off to fellow passengers. The NSW Police rescued the reptile called “bread” from its owner and later relocated it after a thorough exam.

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