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School gate falls killing child in Saptari

Aug 31, 2020 under National 834


An 11-year-old boy was trapped to death by an iron gate of a school in Saptari.

Office assistant of the school Chandra Sekhar’s son Upendra was trapped to death after the iron gate of Basic School at Chhapkibhathaul of ward 4 of Rupani Rural Municipality, Saptari, fell on the boy. The deceased was living with his father at the school when the school closed due to COVID-19.

Critically injured, the child received cuts on his head and chest, Upendra was pronounced dead on arrival at Unique Hospital. The school was used for organising Nepal Communist Party’s ward level meeting yesterday afternoon.

The programme had lasted till evening. The school gate was left open after the programme was over.

On seeing the door open, Upendra had rushed to shut the door. All of sudden, the gate had fallen on him and injured him. Rural Municipality Chair Hareram Yadav said the gate was installed just two months ago.

DSP Tilak Bharati at the District Police Office, Saptari, said that police were investigating the incident.

A version of this article appears in e-paper on August 31, 2020, of The Himalayan Times.

Tagged: Saptari 7

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